Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Black Diamond Classics 476V

Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Black Diamond Classics 476V
Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Black Diamond Classics 476V
Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Black Diamond Classics 476V
Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Black Diamond Classics 476V

Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Black Diamond Classics 476V
A beautiful princess born in a faraway kingdom is destined by a terrible curse to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep which can only be awakened by true love's first kiss. Though the titular princess is on par with the rest of Disney's essential heroines, most of the fun arises from the trio of charming fairies entrusted with her care: Flora, Fauna, and Meriweather. Meanwhile the evil Malificent may just be Disney's most chilling villainess. This classic makes wondrous use of Tchaikovsky's same-titled ballet score, which earned SLEEPING BEAUTY an Academy Award nomination for Best Scoring of a Musical Picture.
Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Black Diamond Classics 476V

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